Kyra Phillips: CNN - Situation Room:
The governor has gone on the record and said that she is in full support of abstinence, and that she doesn't believe in contraception on school grounds and sex education. We had a chance to actually talk to someone just a short time ago that's involved with the Alliance for Reproductive Justice, and this isIn response, CNN analyst and radio talk show host, Bill Bennett:
an organization that says, "Abstinence doesn't work. We've got to have better sex education in schools, and this is just one example, this just underscores the pregnancy of the governor's daughter to why we need sex education in schools."
That first piece of attack journalism, Wolf, I gotta speak to. We all praised Barack Obama, myself included, for saying, do not use the case of this child to start to beat up Sarah Palin and to use this as an opportunity to make points for the Center for Reproductive Pregnancy. That was really out-and-out outrageous, and that should not happen on CNN.Ruth Marcus - A guest on MSNBC's Morning Joe
I wrote about what Governor Palin was thinking when she knew her 17-year-old daughter was pregnant and decided to accept the vice presidential nomination, and my first comment was: "How could you go ahead and do this? You're exposing this poor child, who's already in a terrible situation -- not, probably, of her own choosing, to a lot of attention. You don't need to focus like that at a time like this."Campbell Brown - CNN correspondent
P. Diddy - You Tube Blog (Warning: Contains Profanity)In an ideal world, it would be private. But, you know, this is a
presidential campaign, and nothing is private. The world is
watching. And if we, you know, as much as everyone might want to give this young woman her privacy, you know that's not going to happen. And so you do risk putting her through an incredibly difficult process by accepting this job if you're her mother.
Alaska? Alaska? Alaska? Alaska. Ala-- Come on, man. I don't even know if there's any black people in Alaska. What in the [beep]? ALASKA? You're bugging the [beep] out. Sarah Palin, you ain't ready to be vice president. Alaska Mother[beep]er? What is the reality in Alas--? There's not even no crackheads in Alaska! There's not even no black people. There's not even
no like -- crime or, uh, uh like -- Foreign policies, you all may be versed on foreign -- foreign policies. You all need to get versed on black policies and youth policies. We the future. John, you're bugging the [beep] out, man.
John Roberts - CNN Newsroom
There's also this issue that on April 18th, she gave birth to a baby with Down's Syndrome.... Children with Down's syndrome require an awful lot of attention. The role of Vice President, it seems to me, would take up an awful lot of her time, and it raises the issue of how much time will she have to dedicate to her
newborn child?
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