Monday, September 29, 2008

You Need to Know...

Trying a new segment here. I'll share a few articles, videos & pieces I think aren't getting enough play in the media. If they won't do their job then we need to do it for them.

How did your representative vote? ROLL CALL

The Dems & the media are sticking to the party line and saying that the Republicans, led by John McCain, couldn't muster the votes to pass the bailout package, few are asking why 96 Democrats voted against the bill.

An eloquent, concise explanation of the current crisis and its political nature.

Pelosi's unifying speech just before the vote...

Another damning allegation blaming Dems for the current crisis - this one from the Boston Globe...

Palin came to Philly & took a jog, in the rain, in a McNabb jersey... hot (about 3:10 in to the clip).

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